
英语绘本推荐 适合5-7岁 - 《Mindy Kim - The trip to Korea》


Mindy Kim

《Mindy Kim》是一套迷你系列章节书Chapter Book,蓝思指数大概650,适合美国小学2到3年级的小朋友;对应国内英语正常教学进度,大概是初三或高一。当然现在不少小朋友是和国外小学保持相同阅读进度的。



这套书以书中主人公的名字作为书名。Mindy是常见的女孩子名字,在拉丁文中是温柔可爱甜心的意思;而Kim 是标准的韩国姓,例如著名的Kim Jong-un是谁呢,你能猜出来吗?





I wrote the majority of this book while I was in the mandatory two-week quarantine in South Korea during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s hoping that things are better by the time this books comes out in 2021, and if not, it’s my hope that, at the every least, this book brings jout to reader, if only for a short while.

《The Trip to Korea》是这个系列的第五本,也最新出版的一本。写于去年,也就是疫情期间。作者在隔离的2周内完成主要部分的创作, 对2021年的预期也不是十分乐观哈。



Chapter 1

My name is Mindy Kim. I am nine years old, and today I’m going to Korea for the first time ever!

My mom and dad were born in South Korea, but I was born in San Francisco. So my parents have been to Korea lots of times but not me. I’ve only been to California and Florida and that’s it. I’m so nervous about my first trip out of the country!

我的名字是Mindy Kim。我今年九岁,今天是我有生以来第一次去韩国!


That’s it. – 点餐,购物时也可以用都这句话结尾,代表就这些了,就这样啦。

“Psst, are you up, Mindy?”

Dad peeked into my room, and a sliver of light from the hallway lit up my bed. It was still dark outside, but we had to get up really early to catch our flight.

“嗨~,你醒了吗?” 爸爸瞄了眼我的房间,走廊的一丝灯光就照到我的床上。周围还是一片漆黑,但是我们必须早起以便赶上飞机航班。

Psst 是个拟声词,尽量悄悄地引起某人的注意
Peek into something 快速的扫一眼,偷看什么东南

The truth was, I hadn’t slept one bit. I was way too excited! But I didn’t want Dad to worry. So I slowly got out of my bed with a big yawn like I was just waking up.

“Yup!” I said, “Ready to go, Appa”

Appa means “Daddy” in Korean. Sometimes I call him Dad and sometimes I call him Appa.


“是的!” 我说道,”可以出发了,爸爸”

Appa 就是 韩语”爸爸”的亲昵叫法。有时候我叫英文的Dad,有时也会叫韩语的아바。

Dad smiled. “Good! I’ll meet you downstairs. Is your suitcase ready?”

I nodded and rolled it over to Dad so he could carry it down the stairs. My suitcase was super cute, with pink hearts and a cute cat on the front. Dad had bought it for me last week so I could pack for this trip.



I wasn’t an expert on what to pack for Koreas, but luckily, Dad was. He helped me pack my suitcase in no time! The only thing I really wanted to bring was my dog, Theodore the Mutt. But Dad said it would be too stressful for Theodore.


mutt – 非纯种狗。这里Mutt没有贬义,而是一种亲昵的叫法。但是慎用,和中文语境一样,同时有杂种骂人的意思。

in no time – 眨眼间,瞬间

“A lot of dogs don’t handle flying on planes well,” he’d explained. “And it’s too short a trip for him to get used to everything. That’s why we’re leaving him with Mrs. Park and Eunice - it’s for the best”


handle – 驾驭,应付,处理某件事

Eunice is my babysitter, but this summer, she was going to be Theodores’s. Ennice is the best babysitter ever!

We dropped Theodore off at Eunice’s house last night. He looked so confused and whined a lot when Dad and I left. It made me really sad, but I know this was for his own good. Plus, he could play with Eunice’s dog. Oliver the Maltese! Theodore and Oliver are best friends. Even though I was super excited to gon on my first trip to Korea. I already missed Theodore. I hoped he’d have tons of fun with Oliver.



tons of fun – 可以用来替换lost of fun 避免写作上的重复

drop off – 送人。美国一般开车送小朋友上去,到了学校后放下孩子。对应的,接孩子就是pick up。

“Mindy! Are you ready?” Dad called from downstairs. “We need to head out”

“Coming!” I yelled.

I looked around my root one last time before heading toward the door. Usually, it’s messy because Theodore and I like to play a lot. But last night, I’d cleaned my room after we dropped Theodore off, So everything was super clean. It looked like someone else’s room.

“Mindy!你好了吗?” 爸爸在楼下叫道。“我们要出发了”

“来了!“ 我喊道。


head out / head toward head作为动词的用法,在口语中常用到


